Friday, January 3, 2020

Next event - Picnic at Rivendell, 1st of February

Welly-moot, in association with The One Room Fan Museum, presents:

Rivendell Picnic 2020

We haven't had an event for a little while, and I think it's high time. What better way to celebrate the new decade with a Picnic at everyone's favourite LOTR location - Rivendell!

We're all getting together on February 1st, (with Feb 2 as the Plan B bad weather day). We're basically using the same plan as last year, since it worked so well.

Here's the outline:

  • Meet at the Kaitoke Forks Carpark (by the swing-bridge), at 10:00am
  • Adjust costumes (Hell yes! In costume through the rainforest!) (*)
  • At 10:15 or so, we cross the swing-bridge, and walk the main track. It'll take about 30-45 minutes, although possibly a bit longer depending on costume.
  • The end of the walk will get us to the Rivendell grassy lawn, where we unpack our picnics
  • After the picnic, all join for a Welly-moot group photo by the Archway.
Plus anything else we can think of on the day, or before. We're open to ideas, so drop us a line anytime!

The final plans will be published here as the time comes closer, so check back here often. Please share on your social media as well - the more the merrier!

  - Jack

(*) Bring a Middle-earth costume of your own - or if you're stuck, Kathy will be here with The One Room Fan Museum's amazing costume collection, which you are welcome to wear on the day for a gold coin donation.

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