Sunday, March 22, 2015

Next Welly-moot #4.2 in one week (on Sunday March 29th) - get ready!

Happy almost Tolkien Reading Day, March 25, to be celebrated by Welly-moot on Sunday, March 29, 2:00 pm at the Embassy Cinema upstair cafe. The theme of this year's reading day is friendship in Tolkien's works.
See the Tolkien Society (UK)'s announcements: 

So bring examples of friendship from your Tolkien library to read or make note of scenes from the films to discuss.

And Tolkien's influence isn't only found in the books. I'm sure we all have stories of how our love of Tolkien's works has led to friendly meetings with other fans in the real world. I sometimes wonder how the young sister and brother from Sweden we joyously shared a hike up Mt. Sunday with one beautiful day in 2006 are doing. A purposeful middle-aged expedition turned into a laughter-filled adventure because of their youthful exuberance.

Mount Sunday (aka Edoras)

See you all at Welly-moot, mellonea.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rivendell Archway, official opening

I'm just compiling a final list of confirmed people who can turn up to the Rivendell Archway opening on March 7th - if you haven't received an email from me tonight, but were hoping/expecting to join us, please let me know as soon as possible - I need to get back to the council in the next few days with finalised numbers. My email address is

If you want to join us but hadn't let anyone know, this is your chance to get in and have a bunch of fun on the day! If you don't have a costume, we can arrange one for you if necessary. Also get in touch with me, in that case.

  - Jack

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Report: Welly-moot #4.1 was held last Sunday

We had a good number of people turning up, including a few new members. It was a very good meeting, I thought - lot of fun, most people got involved in the discussion, and those that didn't, seemed to be listening intently.

We discussed two main things - briefly I talked about Rivendell (Kaitoke Regional Park), where the Elven Archway is now a permanent and beautiful addition. The official opening will be held on March 7th, and very soon I will be making formal announcements and sending out invitations.

The main event though, was the big discussion of the events immediately following The Hobbit book (and movies), right up to the start of The Lord Of The Rings books (and movies). Most of the afternoon was taken up with a leisurely reading of ROTK Appendix B, The Tale Of Years (from T.A. 2941 through to T.A. 3018). Everyone added extra information as it came to mind, and we diverged on more than a few tangents.

I've written up the main events in a tabular format - it may be useful if you're doing your own investigations.

Some of the sidetracks we took involved things like when does the writing "Sting is my name, I am the spider's Bane" appear on Bilbo's sword - presumably it happens in Rivendell but when? We couldn't find any reference in any of the books brought in (and there was a veritable library brought in by our members), so it appears that was simply a movie invention then.

The time flew by - before anyone realised, it was close to 5:00pm, and buses were leaving and cars were in danger of being ticketed, so we called the meeting to an end.

Total turnout was 16 people, a good start to the new year! A big welcome to our new members, Sam, and Wilson and Erica. We hope you enjoyed it enough to return - we certainly enjoyed your company!

  - Jack

(*) - The spreadsheet link is an experiment using Google Docs - I'd love to get feedback to say if it works or not?

The link, again, is here:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Heads-up: Welly-moot #4.1 is this Sunday, January 25th!

Look sharp, people - the Tolkien group meets this Sunday (25/1) at the Embassy Cinema, at 2:00pm. Theme for the afternoon is "What happened after 'The Hobbit'?".

Full details can be found on the Welly-moot website:

So make sure you read up on your Lost tales and Unfinished Tales lore. Also, ROTK's appendices are very useful.

We will also be discussing the March 7th official opening of the Rivendell Archway.

If you're not yet a Welly-moot member, come join us - it's free and fun. Make sure you bring a few bucks for coffee or cake. Or coffee and cake.

As always - just attend one meeting, and you'll be a member for life!

See you all there!

  - Jack