Saturday, June 1, 2019

Come join us for the Tolkien movie this Monday (June 3rd)

A reminder that on Queen's Birthday (yes, the day after tomorrow!), we're meeting at 2:00pm in the lunch area of the Penthouse Cinema on Ohiro Road (Brooklyn), to enjoy a little lunch and conversation before the 3:15pm session of the Tolkien bio-pic. The movie is getting favourable reviews.

Everyone is welcome, but can you please let me know approximate numbers so I can prepare the good folk at the Penthouse for our group. They are holding a lunch-table for us, or more than one if we have the numbers.

There are also still a small number of seats held for us there - give them a call. Their phone number is (04) 802 5086,when booking remember to tell them you're part of the Welly-moot group and they'll seat us all in the same block of seats.

Also a quick reminder that Kathy from The One Room Fan Museum has costumes available, but get in touch with her soon.

Hope to see a lots of you there!

  - Jack

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