Showing posts with label Lighthouse Cinema. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lighthouse Cinema. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Update: Tolkien Movie at the Lighthouse

I got a timely reminder from longtime Welly-mooter Wayne, who is currently in Leeds, UK. He sent me this photo:

This has prompted me back into action about watching the movie here as a group. It looks like the Lighthouse Cinema (Cuba Street) will be showing it from the 6th of June onwards. We can't book seats yet until earlier in that same week apparently, so if everyone is happy to wait until then, we'll just pick a session and I'll blog the details here later.

Alternatively, we could book an entire session for our selves - their smaller screen only has 35 seats, and costs $484 to hire for a session - that way we can accommodate anyone else who wants to turn up. The problem with this is that Welly-moot doesn't have a bank account, and I don't fancy running the risk of a heft loss if we don't fill the seats, so we'd have to get enough people to commit, beforehand.

As always, my email is, let me know your thoughts there or on Facebook.

  - Jack